Home Digital Marketing Agency The Complete Guide to Crushing It with LinkedIn Content Marketing

The Complete Guide to Crushing It with LinkedIn Content Marketing

by Laney Mosciski V
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LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social network with over 690 million users. This massive audience presents a huge opportunity for digital and content marketing.

But standing out takes strategy and know-how.

In this complete guide, I’ll share my proven tactics for mastering LinkedIn content marketing.

After reading, you’ll know exactly how to create high-performing content that converts on LinkedIn.

Why LinkedIn Content Marketing Matters?

With 63% of social media traffic referrals coming from LinkedIn, it’s a critical channel. However organic reach is declining as more brands create content.

To cut through the noise, you need compelling and strategic content.

The good news is that the highly professional LinkedIn audience has major buying power.

According to LinkedIn, 80% of B2B leads come from the platform. By creating content tailored to these decision-makers, you can generate more qualified leads.

LinkedIn content also boosts brand awareness and establishes thought leadership.

In one survey, 94% of marketers said LinkedIn improved brand visibility. Quality content positions your company as an industry authority.

Types of LinkedIn Content to Create

To attract and engage your target audience, use a mix of different content formats. Here are some of the best types to include in your LinkedIn strategy:

  • Long-form posts – In-depth articles and guides work well on LinkedIn. Aim for 1,200+ words to create value and take up more space in feeds.
  • Short posts – Quick tips and trending news items are easily digestible. Keep these under 300 words to maintain attention.
  • Infographics – Visuals help summarize data and draw in viewers. Infographics get the highest engagement of any LinkedIn content.
  • Videos – Behind-the-scenes footage and expert explainers help humanize your brand. Videos have 41% more shares than other post types.
  • SlideShare Presentations – Turn webinars, podcasts, and events into presentations. These demonstrate thought leadership.

Also consider interviews with industry experts, listicles, case studies, and polls to mix things up.

Optimize Content for Higher LinkedIn Engagement

Driving engagement on LinkedIn requires understanding their algorithm. While the exact formula is secret, these tactics can boost reach and reactions:

  • Leverage keywords – Include relevant keywords in titles, intros, and summaries. This signals to LinkedIn what the content is about.
  • Post at optimal times – Between Tues-Thurs from 12-1pm are high visibility windows based on LinkedIn data.
  • Publish frequently – Accounts that post daily see 86% more engagement than weekly posters. But make sure quality remains high.
  • Cross-promote content – Share your LinkedIn posts on other social platforms to maximize distribution.
  • Use images/videos – Posts with images get 98% more engagement than text-only updates. Media captures attention.

Posting from a company page rather than personal account also gives you a boost.

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best digital and content marketing

Measure Your LinkedIn Content Performance

To refine your strategy, you need to track metrics like:

  • Reach/impressions – Number of people who saw your post
  • Engagement rate – Likes, comments, shares divided by reach
  • Clicks – Total users who clicked on the post
  • Conversions – Sign-ups, purchases from clicks
  • Followers gained – How many new followers you acquired

You can also run A/B tests by posting the same content at different times or with different creatives. See which version performs better.

Real-World Examples of Top Brands Crushing It

Need some inspiration? Here are a few examples of brands absolutely dominating LinkedIn content marketing:

  • Adobe – Posts beautifully designed visual content like infographics and videos. This educates followers while highlighting their design capabilities.
  • HubSpot – Frequently publishes long-form blog articles on their LinkedIn page. These posts link back to their site to draw traffic.
  • Nvidia – Uses short snappy posts with current news to engage their tech-savvy audience. Their content stays relevant and topical.

Study what top brands are posting and let their success influence your own LinkedIn strategy.


LinkedIn content marketing comes with huge potential to reach decision-makers, generate leads, and build brand authority.

However, achieving real impact requires high-quality content tailored to the platform’s professional audience.

By using an optimal mix of post types, optimizing content for the algorithm, tracking metrics, and learning from top brands, you can develop an effective approach.

With this guide’s tips and strategies, you have everything needed to succeed with LinkedIn content marketing.

Now get started creating compelling content that converts and drives big results. Mastering this platform is key for reaching B2B audiences and hitting marketing objectives.

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