If this is your first time for junk pickup, then surely you will have no idea how to prepare and proceed. The tips below will not only keep you one step ahead in preparation but also will make you a pro at it.
1. Collect and Store
Clear and de-clutter your house and collect all the junk together. You can also store all the junk together in one place such as a storeroom, garage or yard. This way the junk pickup service will easily haul away your junk.
2. Junk Clearing
Make sure all your appliances and equipment is also at one place. For appliances such as refrigerators or other machinery, make sure they are defrosted, clean and empty of any waste substances or debris. All the machinery should be unplugged and packed safely a night prior to pick up so that there is no problem in the end. If there are a lot of small items, then they should be packed in small boxes or bags. Make sure crockery is safely packed so that it does not break.
3. Sort and Label
One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. What may not be useful for you might be needed by someone else, such as old furniture, crockery, old clothes, bed sheets and many other stuff. Sort the items in usable condition and pack them in a box and name it donation. Also there might be some recyclables in your junk. Sort out the recyclable and label them accordingly so that they can be sold to the respective recycling centers.
4. Hazardous Waste
If you have any hazardous waste, then you should not place it in the junk as most companies do not accept these materials. Hazardous waste requires careful disposal and this should be discussed beforehand with the junk pickup service. These include old and rusted batteries, cleaning liquids, medical waste (needles, medicines, and medical solutions), E-waste (cords, chargers, chips, electronic broken accessories) and other debris.
5. Protection
If your junk is out in the open, then you should keep it covered and protected in case of rain or any other mishap which might cause it to become damaged or wet.
6. Call and Discuss
After searching ‘trash removal near me’ and picking one, call and discuss with the service about the time and day for pick up and the amount to be hauled. Tell them initially the amount of junk they have to pick up so that they bring the vehicle accordingly. Tell them that you want to send in donations and recyclables and proper disposal in a landfill. Let them know that you have heavy furniture and appliances which they will have to haul away from your house. Also discuss the approximate price for the pickup so that there is no misunderstanding at the time of the pickup.
7. Appointment
It is better to schedule junk pick up a few days in advance so that the service comes on time. If your desired service is busy, you can search ‘trash removal service’ for more options.
Junk pickup is not very simple every time so you will have to do your part and keep everything ready and book and appointment and discuss everything a week prior to pick up so you face no problems.