Home Technology Small-Business Owners Discuss How They’re Reaching out to New Audiences

Small-Business Owners Discuss How They’re Reaching out to New Audiences

by Laney Mosciski V

Many small-business entrepreneurs have responded to the challenge of pandemic limitations, inventing innovative ways to reach new customers via the best virtual meeting software and other virtual services.

We wanted to highlight everything that small companies are doing to adapt, so we asked a few owners to explain how they’re using virtual services to expand their company and build relationships with fans and customers.

Check out their advice before you look for “online web conferencing”.

Artly Working’s Virtual Improv

Although in-person contact may seem to be a vital component of improv team-building seminars, David Klasko, the creator of Artly Working, permanently altered the company and shaped it into today through virtual platforms.

Through virtual seminars, events, and training experiences, Artly Working utilizes improv and acting methods to help companies create stronger teams made up of happier individuals. While Klasko’s team mainly works with businesses to create courses, Artly Working utilizes virtual meeting software to provide individual improv lessons.

Advice for Small Businesses

Put virtual platforms to good use. Mix it up by asking questions and then switching from gallery view to a focus on the individual who responds. Encourage individuals to move about in their frames. Push the boundaries of how engaging the experience can be.

Chef Brandin Lashea Show How to Be Creative in the Kitchen

I jumped at it when the chance to teach culinary courses online because I already had a digital food show. Brandin LaShea stated, “My primary audience is on the internet.” LaShea leapt at the opportunity to engage with a live audience as a classically trained chef, culinary personality, and presenter of the internet program Pot Pie on Social Club TV.

Back to Basics by LaShea covers basics such as knife skills and how to make the perfect egg. She encourages students to switch on their cameras to give them comments on their technique, and she leaves time after the session for questions and discussion.

That live connection is very fantastic. LaShea said, “It allows my audience to get to know me on a more intimate level.”

Advice for Small Businesses

It’s difficult to become engaged in the digital world. On social media, you must be active and consistent in engaging with your audience. However, the digital world allows you to build and engage with your fan base one-on-one. Don’t be scared to declare, “I’m a master at this,” and to share your ability and abilities with others.

Core 57 Makes At-Home Exercise Enjoyable & Engaging

Gym in Atlanta, Georgia Core 57 offers a member-centric approach to training, working directly with each client to achieve their health and wellbeing objectives. When COVID-19 limitations caused owner Kolleen Riddick-Losch to temporarily shut her gyms, she turned to a virtual platform to keep her members interested in live exercise sessions.

Despite the reopening of gyms, Riddick-Losch believes that virtual will remain a component of the company. She wants to expand her online following.

Advice for Small Businesses

First and foremost, be innovative in your thinking and prioritize the requirements of customers and clients. Consider this: What do they want and require? Second, shoot in locations with excellent lighting and sound, and invest in higher-quality video equipment. Third, have a good time!

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